Polvo en el viento, una letra de rock...

Cierro mis ojos
Solo por un momento
Y el momento se ha ido
Todos mis sueños
Pasan ante mis ojos curiosamente
Dust in the Wind, Kansas

Polvo En El Viento

Cierro mis ojos
Solo por un momento
Y el momento se ha ido
Todos mis sueños
Pasan ante mis ojos curiosamente

Polvo en el viento
Todo lo que somos es polvo en el viento

La misma vieja canción
Solo una gota de agua en un mar infinito
Todo lo que hacemos
Se desmorona aunque nos negamos a ver

Polvo en el viento
Todo lo que somos es polvo en el viento, ohh

No te aferres al presente
Nada dura para siempre salvo la tierra y el cielo
Todo se escapa
Ni todo tu dinero podrá comprar un minuto más

Polvo en el viento
Todo lo que somos es polvo en el viento...

Dust in the wind
I close my eyes, only for a moment, and the moment's gone
All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity
Dust in the wind
All they are is dust in the wind
Same old song, just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do crumbles to the ground though we refuse to see
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
Oh, ho, ho
Now, don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away
And all your money won't another minute buy
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
Dust in the wind
Everything is dust in the wind
Everything is dust in the wind
The wind

Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Kerry Livgren / Kerry A Livgren
Letra de Dust in the Wind © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC


Kansas: Kerry Livgren recuerda la historia que hay tras el mítico 'Dust in the Wind'

23 abril 2015 José Luis Martínez Arilla

Según se recoge en una entrevista ofrecida en el medio Guitar World, uno de los primeros temas acústicos de Kansas, el icónico y melancólico tema 'Dust in the Wind' alcanzó el puesto número 6 en el Billboard americano un 22 de abril de 1978, siendo el único sencillo del grupo que lograría situarse entre los diez primeros de dicha lista.


El tema está construido para dos guitarras acústicas de seis cuerdas tocadas al unísono, lo que crea un efecto similar a si estuviera tocado por una guitarra de doce ya que mientras una de las guitarras mantiene la afinación estándar, la otra está afinada en la denominada Nashville, que es lo que realza dicho efecto de las doce cuerdas.
El guitarrista y compositor, Kerry Livgren, habla de la historia del tema en estos términos:
“Un día en mi casa después de una gira, estaba tranquilamente sentado cuando mi esposa me escuchó esbozando este punteo acústico Me dijo: ‘Suena muy agradable, deberías convertirlo en una canción.’ Yo le contesté:
“Nah, es sólo un ejercicio.’ Estaba leyendo un libro de poesía de los indios americanos en ese momento y leí este verso: ‘All we are is dust in the wind’ [‘Todo lo que somos no es sino polvo en el viento’, n.d.e.], que me llamó mucho la atención y se me quedó grabado dentro. Estaba tarareando ese verso mientras punteaba la acústica ejercitándome y 15 minutos después ya tenía hecho el tema. La grabé en un pequeño aparato analógico de cuatro pistas y me la llevé a los ensayos. Cuando la toqué para el resto del grupo, se hizo un silencio sepulcral. A veces, las cosas que surgen de una sencilla inspiración duran más que algo en lo que trabajas esforzándote al máximo”.



Point of Know Return (1977)

When Vicci Livgren overheard her husband, Kansas guitarist Kerry, practicing finger exercises on his acoustic one day, she told him she heard a song there and suggested he add some lyrics. He listened, and the result was "Dust in the Wind."

A departure from Kansas' characteristic prog-rock bombast, "Dust in the Wind" was a stark, plaintive meditation on the meaning of life.

While many assume that the track features a 12-string acoustic, the rich unplugged sound is actually the result of multiple six-strings (a few in Nashville tuning), played by Livgren and co-guitarist Rich Williams.



Kansas's Kerry Livgren on Dust In The Wind: "When I played it for the band, there was stunned silence"

By Acoustic Nation August 21, 2019

The story behind one of the great acoustic rock songs


One of Kansas’s first acoustic guitar songs, the iconic and wistful Dust in the Wind peaked at #6 on the Billboard Hot 100 the week of April 22, 1978, making it Kansas' only top ten Billboard Hot 100 charting single.

The guitar track comes from two guitarists playing six-string guitars in unison, one in standard tuning and the other in Nashville tuning, to create a chimey sound similar to a twelve-string guitar.

Nashville tuning makes a 6-string guitar sound a bit like a 12-string guitar. In Nashville tuning, strings 1 & 2 (E and B) are left standard but strings 4 through 6 are each tuned a complete octave higher than usual.

I was humming that line along with this fingerpicking exercise, and 15 minutes later I had a song

You can see how this adds stress to these strings, so the only real way to accomplish it is to actually replace strings 4 through 6 with lighter gauge strings. Typically the lighter gauge octave strings from a 12-string set are used for this purpose.

Here, guitarist Kerry Livgren shares the inspiration behind the song.

“One day I was sitting at home in between tours, and my wife heard me doing this acoustic fingerpicking bit. She said, ‘That sound really nice, You should make it into a song.’ I said, ‘Nah, it’s just an exercise.’

“I was reading a book of American Indian poetry at the time, and happened to come across this line: ‘All we are is dust in the wind.’ It really struck me and stuck with me. I was humming that line along with this fingerpicking exercise, and 15 minutes later I had a song. I put it down on a little four-track analog tape recorder and took it to a rehearsal.

“When I played it for the band, there was stunned silence. Sometimes the things that happen out of a simple inspiration are far more enduring than something you might labor over endlessly.”



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