Dos catalanes y The Old Absinthe House on Bourbon Street New Orleans...
"...donde se servìa verdadera absenthia, no una imitaciòn barata..." Un incendio la destruyò en 1788 hasta que "dos españoles volvieron el bar a la vida e hicieron de The Old Absinthe House, uno de los mejores lugares de la ciudad." The Old Absinthe House, fachada siglo XIX The Old Absinthe House on Bourbon Street is a New Orleans icon. The absinthe they serve is the real thing too, not some cheap imitation. Among the oldest bars in New Orleans, the Old Absinthe Bar goes back to 1752, though it was out of commission for a few years after the building burned down. Two Spaniards brought the bar back to life and made the Old Absinthe House one of the city’s coolest bars.